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Image by Aaron Doucett

How to get the food you need


Come at your reserved time

Do NOT arrive early since there is no place to wait. If you arrive early, you will be asked to return at your appointment time.

Directions >


Check-in and shop

You'll be greeted in the parking lot by a volunteer who will check you in. Once at the Food Bank, you'll get a shopping cart when one is available. Please limit shopping to 10-15 minutes.

How to get food:


Schedule your next appointment

We have switched to an appointment-based service system. This has addressed the growing safety concern for our volunteers and clients that early arrivals caused.

We are open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays (once a month), and Fridays. You can book 8 days in advance. To schedule your next visit, please click the "APPOINTMENTS" button below or give us a call at 360-658-1054 on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 9:30am and 12pm. Check back often for openings as there may be cancellations.

Please only make one appointment per week per family so that everyone that is in need has the opportunity to schedule an appointment for service.

NOTE TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS: Effective March 31, 2024 We have switched to a new software system. (Food Bank Manager by SoxBox). Thank you for your patience while we transition. With the new system you will need to create an account so that you can create and keep track of your appointments. Your current food bank card is still valid, so please hang on to it.

Some items of Note

  • If you schedule for multiple people, you will need an email address & SoxBox account for each person.

  • You will no longer receive confirmations or reminders for your scheduled appointments but can check your account for your appointment time.

  • How do I make an appointment online?
    This is the link you will need to book your next appointment up to a week in advance: Weekly: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays: FoodBank Pantry ( Cancellations, changes, rescheduling, or CONFIRMATION of appointments must be done through the website. Save your reservation information.
  • When and how can I call to make an appointment?
    Appointments can be made for those without internet access on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 9:30 am to Noon. No appointment will be made on any other day. Cancellations, changes, rescheduling, or CONFIRMATION of appointments must be done through our website whenever possible. If you cannot do this online, please call. Save your reservation information.
  • Can I arrive early?
    NO. We do not have any space for clients who arrive early — please arrive right at the beginning of your 15 minute slot. If you arrive early, you will be asked to leave and come back during your appointment time. If you arrive late for your appointment it will be handled on a case by case basis but be aware you may be asked to have your appointment rescheduled for another day.
  • Can multiple families pick up food in a shared vehicle?
    Yes, but each family must register for an appointment time. If they do not have a scheduled appointment they may not be served.
  • Do I "qualify" for free food?
    You don't have to be "poor" to use a food bank. You are welcome here — whether you're a regular client or just need to visit us once. We exist to give a hand up to anyone who is truly in need of our services. The few requirements to get food from the Marysville Community Food Bank are: ​ You have a need for food based on your own judgment.
  • How often can I come to get food?
    Clients may visit the Food Bank once a week for complete service. Check out other free meal opportunities every week Sunday - Friday on our resources page, here.
  • Does the Food Bank have dietary-friendly foods?
    We do our best to source low fat, low carb, sugar free, dairy free, gluten free, kosher, halal, etc. foods, though the items will change with each service. Ask a volunteer if you are in need of something specific and they will do their best to find it!

We want to hear from you

Let us know what you love about the Food Bank or how we can improve. Your feedback is anonymous unless you fill in the 'optional' sections.

Rate your experience:PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent Rate your experience:

Thank you!



9:00am - 11:00am (for 62+ and disabled clients) 


3:00pm - 6:00pm (all clients)


9:00am - 11:00am (all clients)



7:30am - 12:00pm


7:30am - 12:00pm & 2:00pm - 6:00pm


7:30am - 12:00pm


7:30am - 12:00pm


7:30am - 11:00am


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4150 88th Street NE
(PO Box 917)
Marysville, WA 98270-0917

SNOW NOTICE: Typicallythe Marysville Community Food Bank will close following the Marysville School District closures for snow days, but check our website or social media for updates. Or Call.

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: MARYSVILLE COMMUNITY FOOD BANK is committed to a work environment and climate in which relationships are characterized by dignity, respect, courtesy, and equitable treatment. Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, national origin, gender identity, age, marital status, income status, disability, sexual orientation or citizenship is a violation of the law. MARYSVILLE COMMUNITY FOOD BANK expressly prohibits any form of discrimination on this basis.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved

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