A Simple Gesture
It really is
that simple.
A Simple Gesture is a program that makes it easy to donate food to the Marysville Community Food Bank. We provide you with a reusable green bag to fill with non-perishable food items and we’ll even remind you a few days before the scheduled pickup. You simply leave the bag of food on your front porch and a volunteer will pick it up on the first Saturday of each even-numbered month and leave an empty bag for you to fill for the next pickup. It really is that simple! This service is now offered on Marysville(zip code 98270) and Tulalip/Lakewood (zip code 98271 & 98259).
If only 10% of local residents donate an extra non-perishable food item through A Simple Gesture each time they shop for groceries, that effort has the potential to provide 150,000 to 200,000 pounds of food to our neighbors each year, an amount equal to five months of food given out at the food bank.
This will allow the food bank to use precious monetary donations to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products. A Simple Gesture is an all-volunteer effort that is active in 30 communities across the country, including several in Western Washington. If you would like to participate in this easy way to help hungry families in our community, please register by clicking on the link below and filling out the simple form.